Fast And Effective Way To Eliminate PMS
Fast And Effective Way To Eliminate PMS
If Your Period Problems Don’t Improve in 30 Days, We'll Refund You - 100%!

Balance will help you heal PMS and hormone imbalances at the source.

Balance will help you start self-healing PMS and hormone imbalances at the source.

  • Premenstrual Support & Bloating Relief: A Powerful blend of clinically tested vitamins & essential micronutrients to provide relief including cramps, bloating, acne, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue and cravings.
  • ​Hormonal Balance: Five key formulations that support natural hormone cycles throughout the month.
  • Natural, Safe & Effective: Each of our formulas has been scientifically developed and is therapeutic-grade and dosed. You cannot find this level of potency and bioavailability in your corner vitamin store or big-box retailer.

Free Gifts with Purchase! 
($152 value!)

You don’t have to deal with difficult and annoying period symptoms.


Are you tired of fads, treatments and products that simply don’t provide the results they promise? 

Introducing Balance, the world’s leading female hormone balancing supplement plan that focuses on long lasting results, safety and hormone optimization, applied with success to over 10,000 women!

Specifically developed from over a decade of research and testing by world renowned Scientist, Researcher, Celebrity Consultant and Hormone Nutritionist, Alisa Vitti. 

Alisa is world famous for her expertise in biohacking the female body to achieve incredible transformations, with clients ranging from Hollywood actors, celebs, and over 10,000 normal women just trying to combat PMS, eliminate hormonal acne or live a period pain free life!

Unlike all other plans & products you will find online, this is a complete and long-term PMS solution. Providing everything you need for long-term success, more energy, confidence, vitality, hormone optimization and building healthy and sensible lifestyle and dietary changes.

Our Balance plan provides the perfect mix of key nutrients that support natural hormone cycles throughout the month, 4 day detox meal plans tailored to resetting your endocrine system, menstrual cycle and menopause hormonal optimization, advanced direct support, a private community with over 7,000 members and most importantly, education for long-term success.

It’s time to transform your body and banish PMS… forever, backed by science, tested on over 10,000 women!
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This Special Offer Ends When Timer Hits Zero...
Starter Kit [Two Month Supply]
Billed once, no monthly fee or recurring DD's.
  • 1 Shipment of Balance
First Time Customer Bonus
Billed every two months.
  • FREE 4-Day Hormone Detox Plan (Worth $47)
  • FREE Private FLO Living Facebook Group (Worth $40)
  • FREE 1-On-1 Consultation Call with a FLO Coach (Worth $65)
  • *Cancel Anytime
  •  FREE Shipping
  • Use code HORMONES at check out for bonuses!

Use Code: HORMONES for your $152 bonuses



Success is Easy with Balance




Coenzymated of all B vitamins you need.

  • Mood booster - helps with mood swings and depression.
  • ​Support energy levels when dealing with adrenal fatigue.
  • Healthy sex drive by providing adrenal support to make the right cortisol to DHEA ratio (B5).
  • Healthier fertile factors by supporting progesterone production (B6).

This very powerful B vitamin combination formula supplies most of the B vitamins in their coenzymated forms, so the body does not have to phosphorylate them in order to be used in biochemical reactions. This formula also includes our proprietary NatureFolate™ blend of active isomer naturally-occurring folates. TMG and choline are included to support methylation.


Detox antiox supplement

  • Liver support for overall detox function
  • ​Supports healthy detox of excess estrogen
  • ​Contains nutrients that combat free radicals
  • ​Helps support healthy weight loss

Detox Antiox™ synergistically combines an extensive array of nutrients that combat free radicals and help support the detoxification of chemicals and heavy metals.* Made with non-GMO ingredients.


Buffered chelated magnesium

  • Supports healthy cortisol regulation
  • ​Can help promote relaxation and deep sleep
  • ​Provides support for healthy thyroid function
  • Helps your body make progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone

Magnesium Buffered Chelate is one of the best absorbed forms of magnesium. Each capsule provides 150 mg of elemental magnesium. This product should not cause any of the unfavorable gastrointestinal symptoms associated with magnesium supplementation due to the very stable chelate formed between two glycine molecules and each magnesium ion via a patented process.


Dairy-free probiotics

  • Helps balance gut bacteria
  • ​Support for balanced moods by supporting healthy bacteria in gut
  • ​Can help with improvement of digestive function and nutrient absorption
  • ​ Reduces chances of getting yeast infections / bacterial vaginosis

Probiotic Supreme DF™ is a higher dose, dairy-free alternative to our Probiotic Synergy™, delivering 15 billion organisms per dose in a caplet form – and using the same advanced patented delivery system to ensure delivery of the highest number of live organisms to the intestinal tract. As the probiotics are meant to release over an extended time frame (10-12 hours), effective dosing need only take place once per day. This also ensures delivery throughout the entire intestinal tract. Made with non-GMO ingredients.


Ultra omega with vitamin D, K1 and K2

  • Supports healthy mood balance
  • ​Helps reduce prostaglandins that cause cramping
  • Reduces oxidative stress and inflammation which is linked to many chronic diseases
  • ​ Supports healthy fertile factors and ovulation

A breakthrough fish oil product using the same high potency omega-3 oil found in our OmegAvail™ Ultra TG softgel, with the enhanced benefit of the fat soluble vitamins D and K, plus lipase for enhanced digestion and absorption. Only our fish oil products carry the TruTG™ seal, which are delivered in the form found in nature and are of superior TG potency. The TruTG™ seal guarantees a minimum 90% triglyceride-bound (TG) omega-3 fish oils, a level that is 40% – 50% higher than the industry standard for most TG fish oil concentrate products. As always, our fish oils are molecularly distilled and filtered to ensure purity and to maximize the removal of heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, PCBs, and other contaminants.

The ONLY Therapeutic Grade Supplements on the Market

Quality Ingredients, No Fillers.

Our supplements include the highest medical-grade dosages that will actually replenish your micronutrients vs. over-the-counter supplements and gummy supplements that are not bio-availble, or just simply "top you off."  No harmful fillers, weird coating, or garbage.

No More Wasting Money, Time, 
and Energy On Ineffective Band-aid Solutions!

No More Wasting Money, Time, 
& Energy On Ineffective Band-aid Solutions! 



Bonus 1: 4 Day Detox Plan ($47 Value)

Done-for-you meal plans that you can immediately use. The detox plan can be tailored to your specific body weight and caloric needs. This comprehensive plan contains meals & grocery lists & tons of tasty recipes. These 4 days focus on resetting your hormones and setting you up for long-term success, while leaving you in your best health in years!

Bonus 2: Access To Our Private FB Group ($40 Value)

Not only will you get my 4-Day Detox plan you will ALSO get access to me, my coaching staff & our private FB group with over 7,000 members. I spend most of my day there answering 100+ questions and speaking with every member individually. 

NOWHERE else online will you find this level of personal support for menstruating women. You have access to myself, a leading scientist and expert, along with motivation, tips, tricks and be able to meet new, like-minded friends every single day!

Fast Action Bonus: 1-On-1 Consultation Call with a FLO Coach ($65 Value)

After a lot of demand, and given the current health climate for women, I’ve decided to throw in a special 1-on-1 call with my Flo Coaches at no extra charge. I believe no woman should suffer simply because she has a period. 

This call with one of our expert coaches will help you balance your hormones faster and relieve PMS quicker by having a fully customized plan to solve your specific period symptoms. 

Don’t waste your money on pills and procedures taking advantage of you! Just start following their recommendations and using the Cycle Synching Method backed by 20 + years of research in hormones.

Get Started Now!

(or Keep Reading To Learn More) 
Free Gifts with Purchase ($152 Value!) Ends Soon...
Starter Kit [Two Month Supply]
Billed once, no monthly fee or recurring DD's.
  • 1 Shipment of Balance
[Special OFFER] Annual Membership
First Time Customer Bonus
Billed every two months.
  • 6 Shipments of Balance Per Year
  • FREE 4-Day Hormone Detox Plan (Worth $47)
  • FREE Private FLO Living Facebook Group (Worth $40)
  • FREE 1-On-1 Consultation Call with a FLO Coach (Worth $65)
  • *Cancel Anytime
  • FREE Shipping
  • Use code HORMONES at check out for bonuses!

Use Code: HORMONES for your $152 bonuses



We created the hormone supplement kit I wish someone had given me when I needed it most. There’s nothing on the market like it. And because you likely want to resolve your symptoms right away, we give you the entire kit and 30-days to try it out.  

If you use the supplements for 30 days, then we know you can end symptoms like low energy, bloating, acne, cramps, missing periods, mood swings and more. 

If you don’t see a difference in your cycle, just email us within the first month and we’ll refund your money.

You can even keep the Bonus Package — at our expense.

About Alisa Vitti, Hormone Nutrition Expert and Former PCOS Sufferer.

About Alisa Vitti, Hormone Nutrition Expert and Former PCOS Sufferer.

Hey I’m Alisa Vitti, I’m the world’s leading scientist and expert when it comes to female specific hormones! I’ve been a celebrity advisor and educator to Hollywood movie stars you’ve seen on TV.

I’m a former PCOS sufferer. When the only options to manage my PCOS were risky prescriptions and procedures, I knew there had to be another way.

I went the natural route to get to the root cause of my condition, and tried just about every type of alternative therapy. 

Everyone said something different, and each treatment came with some other type of herb or supplement. I spent thousands of dollars on solutions that didn’t work.

Hey I’m Alisa Vitti, I’m the world’s leading scientist and expert when it comes to female specific hormones! I’ve been a celebrity advisor and educator to Hollywood movie stars you’ve seen on TV.

I’m a former PCOS sufferer. When the only options to manage my PCOS were risky prescriptions and procedures, I knew there had to be another way.

I went the natural route to get to the root cause of my condition, and tried just about every type of alternative therapy. 

Everyone said something different, and each treatment came with some other type of herb or supplement. I spent thousands of dollars on solutions that didn’t work.

Finally, I uncovered and developed the fastest, safest and most efficient blueprint that women can use to become healthier, happier and have PMS free periods using advanced techniques you won’t find anywhere else online!

I’ve helped thousands of women just like you transform their health and hormones and have over 15,000 women from around the world as part of my online community – the biggest female specific community in the world based on proven scientific diet, exercise and hormone optimizing principles!

Because of my unique and extensive knowledge in this area, I’ve been hired and consulted for all the major health companies and been invited to speak at Google, TedX & Women of Impact. 
I’ve also been featured on dozens of websites and magazines such as The New York Times, Byrdie, Women’s Health, Forbes Magazine, Shape and many more!

I’m excited for you to join the very best online community and be our next success story, utilizing these advanced techniques and my proven blueprint, along with the amazing support, motivation and inspiration thousands of members provide within the private FB group!
Finally, I uncovered and developed the fastest, safest and most efficient blueprint that women can use to become healthier, happier and have PMS free periods using advanced techniques you won’t find anywhere else online!

I’ve helped thousands of women just like you transform their health and hormones and have 7,000+ women from around the world as part of my online community – the biggest female specific community in the world based on proven scientific diet, exercise and hormone optimizing principles!

Because of my unique and extensive knowledge in this area, I’ve been hired and consulted for all the major health companies and been invited to speak at Google, TedX & Women of Impact. 

I’ve also been featured on dozens of websites and magazines such as The New York Times, Byrdie, Women’s Health, Forbes Magazine, Shape and many more!

I’m excited for you to join the very best online community and be our next success story, utilizing these advanced techniques and my proven blueprint, along with the amazing support, motivation and inspiration thousands of members provide within the private FB group!


Get Started Now!

(or Keep Reading To Learn More) 
This Special Offer Ends When Timer Hits Zero...
Free Gifts with Purchase ($152 Value!) Ends Soon...
Starter Kit [Two Month Supply]
Billed once, no monthly fee or recurring DD's.
  • 1 Shipment of Balance
[SPECIAL OFFER] Annual Membership
First Time Customer Bonus
Billed every two months.
  • 6 Shipments of Balance Per Year
  • FREE 4-Day Hormone Detox Plan (Worth $40)
  • FREE Private FLO Living Facebook Group (Worth $40)
  • FREE 1-On-1 Consultation Call with a FLO Coach (Worth $65)
  • *Cancel Anytime
  • FREE Shipping
  • Use code HORMONES at check out for bonuses!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which one to take?
I spent a long time finding the exact right combination of nutrients that would have you covered no matter what hormonal imbalance you were dealing with. I’ve carefully selected these 5 supplements to work together to across each phase of your cycle.
How long do I take them?
If you’ve endured your hormone symptoms for years, and you know that your lifestyle has contributed to them, your body is likely depleted of the key micronutrients that support your hormones in each phase of your cycle. It can take up to a year to fully replenish your body so that your hormones are optimized.
How much should I be taking?
Each two-month supply contains all 5 supplements to keep your hormones balanced. No need to figure out which ones or how much of each — simply take one of each in the morning with breakfast, then an additional one of the Harmonize and Replenish supplements with dinner to help ease your sleep.
Who should take these?
- If you’re looking to reduce PMS
- If you have a diagnosed condition like PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Ovarian Cysts
- If you have Missing, Irregular Periods, or Difficult Periods
- If you’re struggling with Infertility
- If you’re starting Perimenopause
- If you’ve been on synthetic hormonal birth control. If you’re thinking of getting off hormonal birth control or have gone off
- If you’re doing or have done MonthlyFLO, read WomanCode, or use the MyFLO app
What is the Return Policy?
We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee on the hormone supplement kit. Products may be returned within 30 days of purchase for refund, minus shipping/handling. Return shipping paid by customer. Please contact us at [email protected] for return authorization before returning any products.
Do you ship internationally?
We can only ship directly within the United States. However, FLO Customers have had great experience getting Balance shipped to them internationally through a 3rd party shipper called Shop and Ship. Here is how:

Step 1: Create an FREE account on Shop and Ship here (there is a fee that varies between countries)

Step 2: Receive your US-based shipping address

Step 3: Come back to this webpage and check out for Balance with your US-based shipping address

Step 4: Shop and Ship will provide you with a tracking # so you can track your supplement delivery!

Recent Customer Results

Recent Customer Results

Get Started Now!

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  • 1 Shipment of Balance
[SPECIAL OFFER] Annual Membership
First Time Customer Bonus
Billed every two months.
  • 6 Shipments of Balance Per Year
  • FREE 4-Day Hormone Detox Plan (Worth $40)
  • FREE Private FLO Living Facebook Group (Worth $40)
  • FREE 1-On-1 Consultation Call with a FLO Coach (Worth $65)
  • *Cancel Anytime
  • FREE Shipping
  • Use code HORMONES at check out for bonuses!
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